We teach that the believer battles against an inner power which the
Bible calls "sin." In Romans 7:23 Paul writes, "But I see a different
law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind,
and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members."
Notice this power or law of sin is not in the believer's mind where his
thoughts are generated, but in his body. It is very much like a foreign
agent which indwells his body, but not his soul or spirit. Your mind is
at war against this power. "But, I am afraid, lest as the serpent
deceived Eve... your mind should be led astray" (2 Cor. 11:3).
When you have a war going on at least two sides must be
represented. The power of sin obviously sides with Satan, and your mind
fights against this power; therefore, whose side is your mind on? God's!
It has to be, else there would be no war inside you. You "have the law
of God written on your mind" (Heb. 10:16). You have a "sound mind" (2
Tim. 1:7 KJV).
However, most Christians have been taught that our war within is
a civil war, that you fight against yourself. They interpret every
verse which speaks of our inner struggle as if an "evil" side of the
believer fights against his "good" side.
Webster's definition of the word PERSONIFY is "to represent as a
person." In GMI's teaching, we identify the power of sin in the
believer by personifying it. We teach that sin has an intellect and two
ingenious techniques by which it "wars against" the Christian's mind.
One, it presents thoughts to the believer's mind using first person
singular pronouns (I, me, my, myself, etc.). Second, it uses the flesh
patterns in the believer's brain as a channel through which to present
thoughts to his mind. Are we correctly interpreting the Word? Let's see.
By studying Phil. 3:4-8 one can discern that the Bible calls the
old ways you and I have learned through walking in the world "flesh."
Psychology would term these "memory traces in the brain." By limiting
its communications with the believer's mind to these flesh patterns and
employing only first person singular pronouns, the power of sin can
present thoughts which are not only familiar, but seem as though they
are being generated by one's own mind. Once the believer "sets his mind"
on them and accepts them they become his thoughts and he is deceived
into "doing the very thing he does not wish" (Rom. 7:15).
A man who had his Ph.D. from a well-know seminary said to me,
"Bill, in your teaching you are personifying sin by stating that the
believer has a foreign power in his body which gives thoughts to him
seeking to influence him to do evil. To my knowledge this has never been
taught by the church." He wasn't hostile, just making an observation. I
pointed out it had been taught to the church...by Paul, who, via the
Holy Spirit, was the doctrine's principal penman. But, somewhere along
the line we have ceased to teach it, and the result has been defeated,
impotent believers, a far cry from the first century church.
A tool which every Christian layman should have is An Expository
Dictionary of New Testament by W.E. Vine. Vine explains that the Greek
word HAMARTIA (which translates to the English "sin") is a noun while
HAMARTANO (also translated "sin") is a verb. In Romans 6:14 where Paul
writes, "Sin shall not be master over you," "sin" is a noun; while in
verse 15, "Shall we sin...?" it is a verb in Romans chapters 5-8 the
word sin appears 41 times, once as a verb, forty times as a noun. Why is
this important? Because if one interprets the word "sin" in Romans 5
through 8 as a verb he will never understand these chapters which are so
vital to walking in victory.
Through hearing hundreds of sermons and thousands of
conversations in which sin was used as a verb, you and I have come to
perceive the word "sin" only as an action word. Thus, when we read it in
our Bibles we commonly perceive it as a verb.
It is critical that we understand this. In Rom. 5:21; 6:12, 14,
17; 7:11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 25; 8:2; 1 Cor. 15:56; Heb. 3:13; 11:25; 12:4;
Jas. 1:15b Vine states of the noun HAMARTIA, "THIS GOVERNING PRINCIPLE
IS PERSONIFIED." How can sin be personified, be "represented as a
person?" It generates thoughts and presents them to your mind for your
consideration as if they were your own thoughts! Incorrectly
interpreting "sin" as a verb in these sixteen verses would have a
similar effect on a Christian's life as the student who never learned
his locker combination. Instead of growing to maturity he spins his
Sin personifies your extinct "old man" who was crucified in
Christ. Sin feeds thoughts to your mind as if it were the old man
generating the ideas (Rom. 7:20). You'll think you are experiencing a
monologue when in fact it's a dialogue (parallel Rom. 7:15, 17, 20).
That is the way sin has deceived many Christians into teaching that the
old man is still alive. They cite isolated verses in attempting to
explain their experience. This is called "proof texting" and is not
legimate biblical interpretation. No one can accurately interpret Romans
5-8 verse by verse and prove the old man still lives. It states that he
died in Romans 6:2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, et.al. One life has
resurrection power, Christ. Since the old man cannot resurrect himself
we must search the Word to see what God identifies as our opponent
within. Romans 5-8 says it is a power called "sin" (the noun).
As new men, we must be discerning about which thoughts originate
in our minds and which ones are from this power, sin. In 2 Cor. 10:5
Paul writes, "...we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of
We have three sources of thought: our sound mind, the Holy
Spirit and the power of sin. The thoughts from the Holy Spirit and our
sound mind are godly. 1 John 3:9 says the new man cannot sin. This means
the new man's mind cannot generate sinful thought, but it can surely
receive sinful thought from the power of sin and put it into action. To
prevent this we must "take [sin's] thoughts captive to the obedience of
Christ" and act like we are dead to them (Rom. 6:11-12) but "alive to
God" (Rom. 6:13). By employing this battle tactic "sin [the noun] shall
not be master over you" (Rom. 6:14) deceiving you to sin (verb).
Where can this power reside if I am indeed a new man? It lives
within your body. The reason it can live there is because your body is
not yet saved. It's dying, but will be saved at the rapture (Rom.
8:23b). Your body is not evil, just condemned because it's earthly. Even
though it is the temple of the Holy Spirit, it can never enter into the
presence of God until it's changed.
This power is an agent of Satan. Sin (the noun) entered the
world at the fall when Adam sinned (verb) (Rom. 5:12). Your body
inherited it through your dad's body and originally from Adam's body.
(This is one reason why it is imperative to understand that Jesus had no
earthly dad. Sin didn't indwell him. It can personify itself. It has
intelligence. It obeys its master, Satan. It can put thoughts into your
mind. It seeks control.
We are the only Bible some folks ever read, so when we allow the
power of sin to control our behavior it damages Jesus' credibility. The
higher profile Christian who publicly falls, the greater the smear of
Jesus' credibility. PLAYBOY prints the lurid details and sin suggests to
many Christians that they should read the article and see the photos so
they can "be informed." If the world sees us carrying out sin's
suggestion, we add to the smearing of Jesus' good Name. Then they have
more "proof" Christianity is a farce.
The power of sin strives to lead us into sinning so people will
see little in us that will give Jesus credibility. More and more
Christians are tubing it as God allows Satan to increase the pressure in
these last dark days; but, along with this He is revealing more of
Himself to those who hunger for Him. I grieve for the men and women who
have "yielded their members to the sin [the noun]" (Rom. 6:13) to blight
Jesus' integrity before men. We do not condemn them, only what they
have done. By dwelling on sin's thoughts, they "did the very thing they
did not wish" (Rom. 7:15) to satisfy the flesh. There, but for the grace
of God, go I; but by that grace I do not have to give in to the power
of sin's urgings. "For sin [the noun] shall not be master over you"
(Rom. 6:14). "He who has died is freed from sin [the noun]" (Rom. 6:7).
"So consider yourselves to be dead to sin [the noun], but alive to God"
(Rom. 6:11). It is only in following the imperative of these verses that
we can realize consistent victory over sinning (the verb).
Sin (the noun) cannot master you (Rom. 6:14). It cannot make you
sin. Jesus said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand" (Lk.
11:17). You are not divided against yourself! God has not set you up to
guarantee failure! You have one Master (Jesus). Ignore sin's thoughts
which seek to control you and by Christ's life, walk in victory. You are
dead to sin (the noun) so act like it. Let Christ express His life
through you.
Habari kubwa Magazetini Kenya leo January 22, 2024
Good Morning Mtu wangu wa nguvu kutoka Tanzania January 22,
2024,nakukaribisha kutazama kile kilichoandikwa katika kurasa za mbele na
za nyuma Magazetini...
6 hours ago