It is recommended that the subject treated and this material should be used in conjunction with and would be incomplete without reference to the 6th Chapter of the book titled: Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Divine Favour, Receive Him today – By Pastor Ben Orija – 07940522640
1 Cor 1:18, 23-25; John 8:32 – And you shall know the truth…..V 36…And if the son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
The dictionary defines it as the process of delivering
Synonyms = rescue, redemption, salvation, liberation, recover, deliver, emancipation, extrication, acquittal, release, assistance, support, saving, comfort, or help
Some examples of deliverance in the bible:
Gen 32:11 – Jacob from Esau
Exod. 3:8-11 – Israel from Pharaoh
Deut 7:16 – Evil nations to Israel
Psa 22:8,20 – David from Enemies
Psa 41:2 – Children to Enemies
Matt 6:13 – The Lord’s Prayer
Remember it is not about you, it is all about the Lord Jesus Christ.
—- A dog / pet that is housed, fed, decorated etc. The dog now thinks it is important because of all that is being bestowed on it; but this is not as important as the pleasure, honour and the glory derivable by the owner.
—- A wife that is beautified, decorated, adorned, protected and pampered. what is the essence?
1. Demonstrate His mercy. Zech. 8:13.
2. You demonstrate His glory Col 1:27; Gen 1:28;
3. He wants to present you perfect to Himself. Heb 9:14; Eph 5:27; Col 1:28.
4. Give freedom to serve Him freely and in peace. Luke 1:67-75.
5. Demonstrate the power and supremacy of Jesus Christ over Satan. Matt 28:18
6. The Lord is faithful to His promises and covenants. Psa 91:15; Jer 29:12. John 14:18.
7. You have an assignment for Him, so you should not expire before your time.
a. Elijah asked to die several times.
b. Jonah- Disappearance to Tarshish.
c. Apostle Paul – My grace is sufficient for you.
d. Jesus Christ ¬ – Several times they wanted to kill him.
Sin of disobedience in Adam and Eve = the consequence of Judgement and death.
Gen 15:9-14. To Abraham and his seed.
Gen 3:14-19 Curse on Mankind and the Serpent.
Gen 3:15 Satan hates Jesus as the seed (Eternal Enmity).
Deut 30:15-20 God called heaven and earth as witnesses against mankind.
Satan hates God See above book for details.
Question: Can an individual be demon possessed?
Answer: YES
Question: Can a believer / follower of Christ Jesus be possessed?
Answer: NO
Question: What then is demon possession?
Demon Possession in the Bible refers to:
1. A person “having” a demon or evil spirit,
2. A person to be “in” or “under the influence of” a demon, and
3. A person to be “demonised”.
Rem Rom 8:9; 1 Cor 3:16-17; 2Tim 1:19; I John 4:4.
God is a Spirit and Satan, devils, demons, evil spirits, fallen angels are all spirits also. Man is different in that although a spirit, still has a body. The body created by God from the dust, is the earth suit that gives mankind the right to live and operate on the earth. Now, God made eternal pronouncements in Gen. 1:26, 28, which gave man the SOLE right to live, rule, reign and subdue everything on the earth. (This is why it will be difficult to see spirits physically on the streets!) See Psalm 115:16. The Almighty God maintains absolute rulership and authority in all places, including the earth, but His rule is achievable only through mankind. So, to rule, reign and be in command of the physical world and all its inhabitants can only be done through mankind. (Romans 8:19, 22; Isaiah 6:8). This is an eternal reason why YOU are a potential vehicle / instrument! (For the scripture cannot be broken – John10:35).
There is no scripture that I have found that supports or suggests that a Christian can be demonically possessed and so it would be hard to assume or believe that a loving God will deliver you up or share the same temple / body with the devil.
What hath light to do with Darkness? 2Cor 6:14.
John 6:70; John 13:18 -Judas
a. They might not be born again….some grew up in church life (John 8:24)
b. They might be hypocrites.
c. Office / Position in Church is no indicator of genuine conversion.
d. Apostates – some go back into perdition – Heb 10:38-39.
e. Not all that call the name of Jesus are His – Matt 7:21-23;
f. Escaping and re-entanglement in the pollutions of the world. 2Peter 2:20-22.
Acts 10:38….. How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.
Psalm 56:1-6. Be merciful unto me, O God: for man would swallow me up; he fighting daily oppresseth me.
Remember the bible admonishes us to resist the devil and he will flee (James 4:7)
1. Through an ”OPENING” that the resistance has broken.
2. Through an ”OPENING” with no resistance at all in the life of a believer.
3. Where there is a legal ground arising in various ways.
4. Where there is a covenant or agreement of any kind (known or unknown).
5. Ignorance – Gal 4:1-9.
XXXXXXXXXX Luke 22:3: Satan entered into Judas Iscariot (also John 13:27).
XXXXXXXXXX Mark 16:9: Jesus had driven seven demons out of Mary Magdalene (also Luke 8:2).
XXXXXXXXXX Luke 13:16 And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day? Also see John 8:24, 37)
XXXXXXXXX Numerous practical examples of molestations.
1. Know that you have an adversary/enemy/accuser.1Peter 5:8.
2. Know your adversary/enemy/accuser. Job 1:6.
3. Know the aim of your adversary/enemy/accuser.
4. Know the limitations and strategies of your adversary/enemy/accuser.
5. Know the weapons available against the adversary/enemy/accuser.
A believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is meant to live a life of dominion and victory based on the finished work of Jesus Christ. Matt 28; Rom 8:37.
TOOLS TO OVERCOME: (In conjunction with the above book)
1. The Word of God. Rom 1:16; 1Cor 1:18.
2. the blood of the Lamb ( for defence) Rev 12:11
3. The name of Jesus Christ. Phil 2:7-9
4. Submit to God and resist the devil. James 4:7
5. Put on the whole armour of God. Eph. 6:10-17.
6. Prayer in the Spirit. Eph 6:18.
7. Unmanageable faith in the Lord. Heb 11:33-35; 1John 5:4; Rom 8:31.
8. Looking up to Jesus. Heb 12:2a; Heb 2:10b.
Matthew 12:29 – when a higher power is invoked on a condition or when the enemy oppressing, suppressing and molesting a “believer” is found out (through discernment, word of knowledge, diverse inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the Word of Light) the devil will always give up. A spirit would otherwise lie undetected and dormant, but when adequate light is exerted, there MUST be a reaction.