Within all of us there exists a strong desire to be known and to know
others. More importantly, all people desire to know their Creator, even
if they are not professed believers in God. Today we are bombarded with
advertising that promises many ways to satisfy our cravings to know
more, have more, be more. However, the empty promises that come from the
world will never satisfy in the way that knowing God will satisfy.
Jesus said, "Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only
true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent" (John 17:3).
So, "what is the key to truly knowing God?" First, it is imperative to
understand that man, on his own, is incapable of truly knowing God
because of man’s sinfulness. The Scriptures reveal to us that we are all
sinful (Romans 3)
and that we fall well short of the standard of holiness required to
commune with God. We are also told that the consequence of our sin is
death (Romans 6:23)
and that we will perish eternally without God unless we accept and
receive the promise of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. So, in order to
truly know God, we must first receive Him into our lives. "As many as
received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even
to those who believe in His name" (John 1:12).
Nothing is of greater importance than understanding this truth when it
comes to knowing God. Jesus makes it clear that He alone is the way to
heaven and to a personal knowledge of God: "I am the way, and the truth,
and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me" (John 14:6).
There is no requirement to begin this journey besides accepting and
receiving the promises mentioned above. Jesus came to breathe life into
us by offering Himself as a sacrifice so our sins will not prevent us
from knowing God. Once we have received this truth, we can begin the
journey of knowing God in a personal way. One of the key ingredients in
this journey is understanding that the Bible is God's Word and is His
revelation of Himself, His promises, His will. The Bible is essentially a
love letter written to us from a loving God who created us to know Him
intimately. What better way to learn about our Creator than to immerse
ourselves in His Word, revealed to us for this very reason? And it is
important to continue this process throughout the entire journey. Paul
writes to Timothy, "But as for you, continue in what you have learned
and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you
learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures,
which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ
Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of
God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:14-16).
Finally, truly knowing God involves our commitment to obey what we read
in the Scriptures. After all, we were created to do good works (Ephesians 2:10)
in order to be part of God's plan of continuing to reveal Himself to
the world. We carry the responsibility to live out the very faith that
is required to know God. We are salt and light on this earth (Matthew 5:13-14),
designed to bring God's flavor to the world and to serve as a shining
light in the midst of darkness. Not only must we read and understand
God's Word, we must apply it obediently and remain faithful (Hebrews 12:1-3). Jesus Himself placed the greatest importance on loving God with all we are and loving our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22). This command is impossible to keep without the commitment to reading and applying His truth revealed in His Word.
These are the keys to truly knowing God. Of course, our lives will
involve much more, such as commitment to prayer, devotion, fellowship,
and worship. But those can only follow making a decision to receive
Jesus and His promises into our lives and accepting that we, on our own,
cannot truly know God. Then our lives can be filled with God, and we
can experience knowing Him intimately and personally.
Wanafunzi Kapeta,Kiwira warithishwa ari ya utunzaji mazingira
Shirika la Madini la Taifa (STAMICO), kwa kushirikiana na Shirika la
Utangazaji la Tanzania (TBC), wameendesha zoezi la upandaji miti katika
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9 hours ago