I command every evil attached to any area of my life blocking my joy and testimonies come out NOW IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME.
Be a prophet to 2 persons –
— I decree and declare every invisible hand, chain and rope holding me from my blessings shall be cut off in Jesus mighty name.
I prophesy and declare in the name of Jesus Christ the blessings of God that make Rich without Sorrow comes to me now.
A good wife gets the husbands attention when she loves and
demonstrates she is for him alone. If you show your love and commitment
to Jesus Christ as His bride ( the church) he will shower more love on
ISA 60:1-22 and Matt 22:8-9
Wisdom for success —
Isaiah 11:2. And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the
spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the
spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;
Mark 6:2-3. And when the sabbath day was come, he began to
teach in the synagogue: and many hearing him were astonished, saying,
From whence hath this man these things? and what wisdom is this which is
given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands?
Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and
Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And
they were offended at him.
Wisdom in you separates you from your peers.
Some of us have plans to succeed but don’t know HOW to succeed.
To be successful requires a change of position and transformation.
Knowing what to do and the ability to do it at the appropriate time to succeed you need wisdom.
When Jesus was preaching to the multitudes and they were tired and
hungry. Jesus had compassion on them and rather than send them away the
bible said he himself knew what to do. That is wisdom.
Insight, foresight and hindsight – these are the enablements of wisdom.
Proverbs 4:5-9. Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it
not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. 6. Forsake her not, and
she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee. 7. Wisdom
is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting
get understanding. 8. Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall
bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her. 9. She shall give to
thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to
Proverbs 4:7-8 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore
get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. 8. Exalt her,
and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou
dost embrace her.
What is wisdom?
Dictionary –
—- Wisdom that is gained by having many experiences in life.
—– the natural ability to understand things that other people cannot understand.
—— it is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight.
But the bible says —-The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge.
Proverbs 9 – 10. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
Proverbs 1 – 7. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Psalm 111 – 10. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of
wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his
praise endureth for ever.
Then if a believer says he has wisdom will he not then fear God? And
If you fear God then will you rob God of what belongs to him? – one of
the few times that God cursed his own children was when they forgot his
fear and robbed him – then tell me who can remove the curse and how can
that person succeed? Malachi 3:9. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
—— wisdom is knowing that God is my source – Psalm 121:2. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
——wisdom is the right application of knowledge. All the academic
knowledge, examinations, tests and research is successful when wisdom is
—– knowledge is acquired through education, books, skill, experience.
——Wisdom allows you to know or discern when the enemy is presenting
you with poison that will destroy your destiny or setting you up for a
fall –Proverbs 16:25. There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Jesus was tempted by the devil
Wisdom helps and guides you to do right, say right and act right. Matt 4:2-10.( when Jesus was tempted by Satan )
ISA 11:3 – And shall make him of
quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge
after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his
There was a king in the bible – all he wanted was to succeed as a king. He went after wisdom.
Solomon Prayed for wisdom. Out of all the things he could have prayed for he prayed for and God gave him wisdom –
2 Chronicles 1:10-12. Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go
out and come in before this people: for who can judge this thy people,
that is so great? 11. And God said to Solomon, Because this was in thine
heart, and thou hast not asked riches, wealth, or honour, nor the life
of thine enemies, neither yet hast asked long life; but hast asked
wisdom and knowledge for thyself, that thou mayest judge my people, over
whom I have made thee king: 12. Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto
thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honour, such as none
of the kings have had that have been thee, neither shall there any
after thee have the like.
—-if you want to be financially prosperous or in any endeavour – get
wisdom.##### Wisdom is better than silver and gold. Better than
rubies. Proverbs 8:11. For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.
Proverbs 16 – 16. How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!
—-Many people think they can succeed with their own power or connections but — #####wisdom is better than strength –Ecclesiastes 9: 18. Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good.
### not by power not by might but by my spirit saith the Lord.
—— wisdom is better than might.-In spiritual or physical warfare,
many depend on their prayers, fasting, ability and power to fight their
own battles but the bible says – #####wisdom is better than weapons of
war. Ecclesiastes 9:16. Then said I, Wisdom is better than
strength: nevertheless the poor man’s wisdom is despised, and his words
are not heard.
——In any endeavour let wisdom direct you and you shall succeed-
Many are determined on actions and devices own strategy to accomplish
goals and even spend physical and mental energy but the bible says ###
wisdom is profitable to direct Ecclesiastes 10 – 10. If the
iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more
strength: but wisdom is profitable to direct.
——Your life is preserved by wisdom-
Proverbs 9:11. For by me thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased.
#### Even your family, marriage and home can survive the storms of life through wisdom – Proverbs 24:3. Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: –
What wisdom is this—–mark 6:2-3
ISA 11 – the seven spirits of God
Wisdom was with God in the beginning. Before creation wisdom was with God.
Wisdom created all things that we see. Therefore if God needed wisdom
to CREATE, then we also need wisdom to succeed in business, marriage,
relationships, decision making, and all life matters.
When God gives you wisdom people begin to wonder at the grace of God in your life.
John 1:1-5
Now see Prov 8
Prov 6 – learn from the ants ur sluggard.
Wisdom tips for success –
— Don’t be lazy
— Be committed
— Be determined
— Be consistent
— Don’t be afraid of failure
— search and learn from the experience of others.
— Have faith in God – Don’t depend on your own ability
—- Search the scriptures and pray.
—- Give a sacrificial offering to God.
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