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Friday, February 23, 2018

Nothing Can Compare

God’s absolute being means all the universe is, by comparison to God, as nothing. Contingent, dependent reality is to absolute, independent reality as a shadow to a substance, as an echo to a thunderclap, as a bubble to the ocean. All that we see, all that we are so amazed by in this universe is compared to God as nothing. Isaiah 40:17: “All the nations are as nothing before him, they are accounted by him as less than nothing and emptiness.”
“All that we are so amazed by in this universe is compared to God as nothing.”
Unless those kinds of truths in the Bible concerning our majestic God land on you and have their appropriate effect, it will mean very little to you when he shows up to save those nations and die for them. If you try to jump over the statement, “they’re nothing to him,” and get to the cross, where he pays the highest possible price for them, you won’t get it.
So many people do an end run around so many truths in the Bible on their way to what they’re comfortable with, and they get there, and the foundations on which they stand are this thick. Is there any wonder there’s so many fragile Christians in the world?