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Monday, February 12, 2018

Standing on the Promises

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The promises that are LOCATED in God's Word that EXPRESS His love for us that PROVIDE us assurance that He'll keep the promises that He makes and that are DESCRIBED most often conditional, but sometimes unconditional. THOSE PROMISES! 
So from the book of 1st Peter we come across another one of those wonderful promises of God. Now don't think for a second that God's promises aren't for you OR that He just gives you a partial promise. 
Perhaps you've heard about the pastor who was visiting an old woman from his congregation. As he sat down, he noticed a large bowl of peanuts on the coffee table. He asked her if he could have a few of them. She said, ''Help yourself.''
So he reached into the bowl and scooped up a handful of them and started eating them. Well, after they chatted for a while he stood up to leave and realized that he had eaten every one of those peanuts. He said, ''I'm so sorry for eating all your peanuts.'' She said, ''Oh, that's ok. Every since I lost my teeth, all I can do is such the chocolate off of them.''
When God gives us a promise, he doesn't just give us the left over peanuts; He includes the chocolate!! His promises are like Life Preservers: they keep you from sinking in the sea of trouble. God has a promise for you to claim for every problem you confront. But in order to lean on them, you've got to first learn them. 
And don't worry: you cannot break God's promises by leaning on them! And the Bible is full of wonderful promises that hold us up, that gives us a place to stand during times of uncertainty. That means that as you read your Bible: look for the promises! Learn the promises and then Lean on the promises!
So here in 1 Peter 5.7 we find ...
The Promise of God's Care
1 Peter 5.7