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Monday, February 12, 2018

What We Can Do in a World Gone Mad

Woman prayingWhat can we do in light of all that is taking place regarding Israel, THE EPICENTER OF THE MIDDLE EAST AND THE WORLD? We can:

RECOGNIZE the true nature of the battle in Israel

It is, at its root, a spiritual battle. In addition to being well informed, speaking up on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people, and supporting responsible aid organizations like Jewish Voice Ministries, we must not neglect the most basic of spiritual measures to address this spiritual conflict: prayer.
Prayer is God’s design to bring about His will on the earth. That’s what Yeshua taught and Scripture exemplifies. When we engage in the quiet revolution of intercession, we experience that reality firsthand. And if we are overwhelmed regarding how to pray, Scripture gives us direction.

PRAY for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel’s salvation

In Isaiah 62, the people of Israel are told to give the Lord no rest until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth. As Believers in Yeshua, we should take the same stance on her behalf. And because we also desire Israel’s protection and salvation, we cry out that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9) and all Israel be saved (Romans 11:26). We may wonder how these things will be achieved, but our part is to pray and God’s is to answer according to His perfect timing and will. May our intercession be unceasing until Yeshua, the Sar Shalom (“Prince of Peace” in Hebrew) brings true peace (Psalm 122:6) and God’s desires for Israel are fulfilled.

PRAY for the nations surrounding Israel

Inherent in God’s plans for His relationship with Israel is that the nations would KNOW He is God (Psalm 46:10). Our prayers for the nations, even the ones seeking Israel’s destruction, will one day be answered in every tongue and tribe and nation declaring together that “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Revelation 7:9-10).

PRAY for Israel’s enemies

ISIS, Iran, Al Qaeda. The names may change over time, but the fact that Israel has enemies is a constant. Since the Garden, God’s enemy has sought to work through the actions of mankind to thwart the purposes of God. Those under his influence make Israel, the Jewish people, and Believers their targets. So, we intercede for the Holy Spirit to restrain evil (2 Thessalonians 2:6). May the fear and loving-kindness of the Lord compel evil-doers to repent and acknowledge Him (Romans 2:4). We ask the Lord in His mercy to give them revelation of Yeshua, leading to salvation and radically changed lives. Pray for “opposers to become Believers!”

PRAY for those in authority in Israel and the nations

The mantle of leadership is fraught with demonic opposition. May we faithfully pray for those in authority (I Timothy 2:1-2), that they would be drawn to wisdom from God’s Word and surrounded by righteous, astute advisors who also seek the Lord.

PETITION God on behalf of the Body of Messiah in Israel

The Body of Messiah in Israel needs our ongoing prayers (Ephesians 3:14-21). They face the challenges of imminent threat from enemies such as ISIS and Iran, an intense spiritual climate, and religious persecution. Pray for their wellbeing and that they would be in healthy community with other Believers. When physical threats come into the Land, the Body of Messiah is a source of help and hope for fellow followers of Yeshua as well as unbelievers. Whether Jewish, Arab, or Gentile, may Believers in Israel and the Middle East be strengthened, encouraged, and unified in sharing the Good News and remaining faithful under persecution.

PRAY that we ourselves would stand firm no matter what comes

As Believers and people of prayer, we, too, are in the battle. It takes spiritual stamina and the armor of God to stand in faith and effectively intercede (Ephesians 6:10-18). Praise the Lord that He gives strength when we feel weary, and He prays for and through us when we are at a loss for words (Romans 8:26-28). Let us be diligent and confident in prayer. Ultimately, the answers will all converge when Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, takes His place on the throne in Jerusalem amidst a chorus of worship from every tongue and tribe, and from every nation that is so full of unrest and uncertainty now.