Months later my wife was ministering deliverance
to a young lady who told my wife she felt like she had
curses on her from her father. She said "he was
the Grand Something of a Masonic lodge up north and
he had molested her as a young girl." She also
said, "he spoke things over her, maybe some kind
of prayers or chants." I told her about the "prayers
of release for Freemasons and their descendants that
I had and how bizarre they were. This girl was so desperate
to be free; she was willing to try anything.
I dug out the prayers and studied them again and they
were still weird. I then got a book on Freemasonry.
As I researched it, I started to see specific spirits
behind Freemasonry, spirits of antichrist, bondage,
witchcraft, error, infirmity, and perversion. I then
decided to give the prayers a try at our next session.
As we prayed the prayers with this girl she began to
manifest. We were all amazed and pleasantly surprised
by the results. This girl was set So Free!!!
From that day on we began asking people if they had
Freemasonry in their background. If indeed they had,
we would lead them through the prayers and we started
seeing incredible deliverance's, and healings. We continue
to receive powerful testimonies. One of the ladies on
our ministry team prayed the prayers quietly while I
was leading another lady through them. She felt something
physically lift off her chest and shoulders as we prayed.
She was set free from a life long asthma condition.
Once we started using the Questionnaire, pages 21-30
of the "Deliverance Training Manual" we started
to notice some very distinct patterns with people who
had Masonic ancestry. What we actually started to notice
was the fruit produced by the Stronghold of Freemasonry.
We noticed, that almost without exception, women whose
parents or grandparents (but more often grandparents)
had been involved in Freemasonry had been molested as
children, not necessarily by their family members but
by someone. Many had however been molested by a close
family member.
Regardless of what Masons believe or say, Freemasonry
is a false religion steeped in witchcraft, which mixes
the Holy with the profane and invites in spirits of
error and perversion among others. Once the door is
opened and the enemy has been given a legal right, the
attack against the children is relentless until the
devil gets his due. I cannot tell you the number of
horrible stories of perversion, rape, molestation, and
incest we've heard. The next fruit of Freemasonry we
see is infirmities, primarily breathing or lung disorders,
with asthma and allergies leading the list. We also
see a host of other ailments we can directly attribute
to the curses of Freemasonry. Two emotional areas we
see heavily affected by Freemasonry are anger and fear.
As we look into the rites and rituals of freemasonry
the reasons for the fruits of Freemasonry become quite
Rites and rituals of Freemasonry
The deceptive nature of Freemasonry
begins with induction and membership in the lodge. When
a member of the lodge wants to get someone to join the
lodge, he is not allowed to ask that person to join.
Instead he has his wife ask that person's wife to have
him to ask the member about the lodge. This is deliberate
in order to give the devil a legal right to torment
that person and his family. He opened the door himself
by asking about membership in the lodge. When they join
the lodge they go through an initiation ceremony.
In that ceremony the initiate is bare-chested and blindfolded
with a noose around his neck. He is then taken outside
the lodge, they knock on the door and a person inside
asks the initiate what he wants? He then answers by
saying, "I want to come out of the darkness and
enter into the light of freemasonry." The initiate
is then brought into the lodge still blindfolded and
a dagger or sword or other sharp object is placed against
his bare chest. He then swears the first of many blood
oaths and curses over himself and his family. He agrees
to be murdered or mutilated if the oath of the degree
is violated.
The spirit of infirmity comes in from the noose around
the neck, which is evidenced by the fruit of asthma,
allergies and other breathing disorders in the descendants
of Freemasons.
It is the belief of Freemasons that each degree obtained,
brings them closer to the light, and to enlightenment.
However deception is a key ingredient in Freemasonry,
the initiate never really knows the truth. Albert Pike,
considered to be the father of modern freemasonry; in
his book "Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry"
Wrote this:
"Masonry like all religions, all
the mysteries conceals its secrets from all except the
Adepts and Sages, or the Elect and use false explanations
and misrepresentations of its symbols to mislead those
who only deserve to be misled…
He also wrote:
"The Blue Degrees are but the outer
court or portico of the temple. Part of the symbols
are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally
mislead by false interpretations. It is not intended
that he shall understand them, but it is intended he
shall imagine he understands them."
Albert pike wrote his book Morals and
Dogma of Freemasonry in 1871, after spending much time
studying the Hindu "Vedas." Which are said
to be written so as to prevent understanding of them.
As well as immersing himself in the occult teachings
and witchcraft of the French lodge. The teachings of
the French lodge were so demonic and steeped in witchcraft
the English and American lodges had boycotted them since
1765. Pike studied the French lodge, and later wrote
a 6-volume work containing 1,460 pages. He then used
these writings to redesign the 4th to the 33rd degrees
of the Scottish rite. Albert pikes writings are considered
to be radically anti Christian and occultic in nature.
Pike was also known to be a Luciferian, heavily involved
in magic and astrology. And spent considerable time
studying Jewish kabala (Jewish mysticism), which may
have contributed to his frequent bouts with depression
and seclusion. I'll make a personal observation here;
every person I have ministered to that has been heavily
involved with witchcraft and the occult has battled
with severe depression and suicidal thoughts, so I don't
find it strange that Albert Pike did also. Every tree
produces fruit, a good tree produces good fruit and
a bad tree produces bad fruit.
The Masonic lodge has 3 basic divisions the blue lodge
is where the first three degrees are earned. You will
see a blue Masonic building in almost any town in this
nation. Once a person achieves the third or Master Mason
Degree, he then moves on in the degree work either in
the York Rite or the Scottish Rite. Once a person reaches
the 32nd degree he is then eligible to become a Shriner.
The 33rd degree can be earned or it can be honorary.
Some Presidents and other influential people have been
given honorary 33rd degrees for public relations reasons.
Albert Pike, when he was Sovereign Grand Commander of
the supreme council of the Grand Sovereign Inspectors
General of the 33rd Degree wrote this:
"That which we say to a crowd is,
we worship a God, but it is the God one adores with
out superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors
General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the
Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and the 30th degrees - The
Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of
the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian
Doctrine….Yes Lucifer is God, and unfortunately
Adonay is also God…. Thus the doctrine of Satanism
is heresy…Lucifer, God of light and God of Good,
is struggling for humanity against Adonay, God of darkness
and evil."
If you knew nothing else of Freemasonry
this should be all you need to know, to know it's demonic.
However, I want you to have a broader understanding
of the rituals and how they effect the initiates and
their families to the 3rd, 4th and even the 10th generation.
We've already looked at the noose around the neck and
the obvious connection to choking and breathing disorders
in the first or entered apprentice degree. Also in that
degree the worshipful Master of the lodge lays hands
on the initiate, and dedicates him to the God of the
Lodge (which you now know is Lucifer.) He also asks
that by the secrets of the lodge and by the secrets
of their art he may gain eternal life. In the third
degree the initiate is blind folded and again led around
by a noose around his neck. In this degree the initiate
is approached by three ruffians who demand the initiate
to tell them the secrets of Hiram Abiff. Hiram Abiff
is the legendary builder of Solomon's temple and founder
of Freemasonry. The person leading the initiate speaks
for him and refuses to tell the three ruffians, so they
proceed to Symbolically beat him to death. He is then
placed into a coffin or stretcher in a symbolic burial.
Which by the way invites in a spirit of death. After
a while the worshipful Master of the Lodge directs a
person with a glove that resembles a lions paw, to reach
down and pull the initiate out of the darkness of death
and into the light of freemasonry. This ritual is an
absolute mockery of the death, burial and resurrection
of Jesus Christ. In the ritual of the 18th degree, and
in other degrees, the initiate takes part in a false
communion. This includes a biscuit, salt and white wine.
Also in many false communions the wine is drunk from
a human skull. This again is an absolute mockery of
Jesus Christ and the sacrament of Holy Communion.
In the higher degrees of Freemasonry, the initiates
proclaim Lucifer to be God. They also invoke a wide
variety of other Gods and Goddesses during their ceremonies,
including Egyptian and Hindu deities. The principle
spirit behind Freemasonry is Witchcraft. The Masons
have drawn from every type of witchcraft trying to gain
power. The power to control the rest of mankind. (New
world order?) Perhaps.
History of Freemasonry
Freemasons claim their ancestry back
to Solomon's temple. Their rites, rituals and worship
as well as the statues and icons of the various lodges
display origins back to ancient Egypt. However its documented
history only begins in 1717 with the London, England
Freemasons also claim to be a Christian organization;
they even include the Holy Bible in their ceremonies
and rituals. There are even Masonic Bibles in print.
If you look through a Masonic bible you'll see a classic
example of mixing the Holy with the Profane. What they
don't tell you is that they will also use the Koran,
The Hindu Vedas or the laws of Confucius if the initiate's
religious beliefs so dictate. That's a far cry from
being a Christian organization.
To the public the Freemasons appear to be a fraternal
organization that does good deeds, caring for children
and orphans, including the Shriners who sponsor and
support Children's hospitals. I have a copy of a Masonic
Scholarship Award one of our Bible School students received
from the lodge in her hometown. Now that all seems to
be very noble doesn't it? Sadly, the reason behind their
good works is based on one of the biggest and most deceptive
lies of Freemasonry, which is; "Man is not sinful
but merely imperfect, and therefore can redeem himself
through good works." Therefore negating the redemptive
work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.
The Shriners, plainly proclaim Allah
to be God. Allah is believed by many to be another name
for God, but in all actuality Allah is the name of the
moon god worshipped by the Arabic tribe that Mohammed
was born into.
Shriners are also known for their little red hats with
a tassel. What people, including most Shriners don't
know, is that hat called a Fez is named for a town in
North Africa. In the 7th century Mohammed ordered the
destruction of all infidels (anyone who would not bow
to Allah) including all Christians. As the Muslim warriors
swept across North Africa they came to Fez a Christian
stronghold and they killed everyone in the town, they
then dipped their hats in the blood of the Christians
martyrs. They wore these blood red hats as a celebration
of their victory and a warning to Christians, to convert
to Islam or die. Have you ever driven by a Shriners
temple? They are nothing more than an Islamic Masque.
Many Masonic temples resemble an Egyptian tomb or temple.
It's also interesting to note that the symbolism in
Masonic ceremonies is almost identical to Witchcraft
ceremonies, including the initiation ceremony. In which
the initiate must be recommended by a current member,
he is stripped and blindfolded with a noose around his
neck. In both ceremonies a knife or sword is put against
the breast and a blood oath is made never to tell the
secrets of the lodge or coven.
In fact all of the symbolism of the Masonic lodge is
a symbolic act of what is actually done in witch covens
around the world as they worship Satan and proclaim
him to be god!
Dr. Selwyn Stevens, Unmasking Freemasonry,
William M. Sudduth, The Deliverance Training Manual,
(RAM Inc. Publishing, Pensacola, Fl, 2001)
Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry, page 104-105,
From Internet article, Do Freemasons worship Satan?, 5/11/98
ibid, page 819
Dr. Robert A. Morey, The origins and teachings of Freemasonry,
(Crowne Publications, Southbridge, Ma,) 1990 Page 35
ibid, page 39
ibid, page 36
ibid, pages 35,39
Albert Pike, Instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils
of the World, July 14, 1889. (Recorded by A. C. De La
Rive in La Femme et l' Enfant dans la Francmaconnerie
Universelle) page 588rom Internet article, Do Freemasons
worship Satan?,
Gene Brooks, Freemasonry: A Curse,
Hills/6240/mr520-a.htm, page 2, 5/8/98wddddc
Dr. Robert A. Morey, The Origins and teachings of Freemasonry,
(Crowne Publications, Southbridge, MA, 1990) page 71
Ron Carlson, Fast facts on freemasonry, Audio Tape,
From, Fast Facts on False Teachings, (Harvest House
Publishers, Inc.) 1994
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