"When I look up at the night sky, and I know that, yes, we are part of this Universe, we are in this Universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts is that the Universe is in us. When I reflect on that fact, I look up—many people feel small, ’cause they’re small and the Universe is big, but I feel big, because my atoms came from those stars.”Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by a reader of TIME magazine, “What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?” This is his answer:
Your thoughts do indeed create your
reality. Thoughts are forms of energy that are sent ahead and eventually
manifest as physical matter. The thoughts you think determine the
outcome of your worldly experiences, from finances to health,
relationships to environment. In fact, there is no aspect of your life
that is not affected by your thoughts. As Albert Einstein once said,
“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”
Most of us have been taught to be sloppy
thinkers. We remain frozen in worry or defeated by fear. We believe
that we have become victims of our circumstances. As our thoughts remain
negative or mostly unconscious, we end up attracting by default. We are
stunned when we develop a horrible disease, become involved in a tragic
car accident or suffer financial failure. Without realizing it, the
thoughts we have been thinking are all responsible for this.
The ability to focus a thought is the
driving force behind The Law of Attraction. Focusing on a single thought
purely and clearly for a short duration of time is the starting point.
The emotion behind the words matters more than the words.
The Universe works on vibration.
Everything is vibration first and matter second. When you feel an
affirming emotion while focusing thought, you are creating dynamic
change. Pure thought with positive emotion
is said to be the equivalent of 2000 action hours. The problem that
many people run into is that they pretend to be positive on the outside,
but are really vibrating negatively on the inside. They might not even
be aware of what it is they are doing.
The Law of Attraction is so powerful
that it trumps all other laws and forces in the Universe. It never takes
time off or breaks and it is always working. It supersedes science,
viruses, bacteria, pathogens, parasites, natural disasters, bad luck,
heredity, genetics, chance, random, poor diet, too much sugar,
astrology, numerology, tea leaves and psychology. Under The Law of
Attraction, there are no odds, and statistics are meaningless.
Nothing happens by mistake. The thoughts you think create your reality.
There are two primary forces in the
Universe—allowing and resisting. If your manifestation has not yet
arrived it is only because you are resisting it. Here is how this works.
Imagine driving your car with one foot on the gas pedal and one foot on
the brake at the same time. Your car might be moving forward but there
will be quite a bit of resistance along the way, not to mention the
damage done to the brakes. Most people become frustrated and stop
believing in the power of their own thoughts only because they have
unconsciously placed great resistance in front of their dreams.
Frustration will pull you even more into the negative thinking mode and
create more upheaval in the Law of Attraction.
Let’s say that you desire to have a
particular apartment you fell in love with at first sight. This is a
positive thought manifestation. You are now in a state of creation and
allowing. You then begin to worry about how complicated it will be to
negotiate the lease. You imagine that you will have a problem with the
landlady, or the neighbours may be noisy. Now you are in a state of
resistance. Your foot is sharply pressing down on the brakes in your
vibrational world. This is why your creation has not yet arrived.
When you are in a state of judgment you
are also in a state of resistance. Imagine that you want an easy life
where you did not have to work so hard to get by. You keep yourself in a
state of resistance when you judge others who already have an easy life
where they do not have to work so hard. You cannot belong to a club
where you despise the current members. If you want your manifestations
to arrive you must already be a vibrational match to them. Festering in a
state of judgment is just pushing your desires away.