Principle for Bible Reading
Word SearchesWord searches are important for deep study of the Bible. To conduct a larger search, look for a particular word throughout the Bible. To do a smaller search, look for a particular word in the book you’re studying. In this lab, John Piper shows how a word search can enhance Bible reading and provide a deeper understanding of the text by looking up the word “servant.”
Study Questions
- What does it mean to be a servant of man? A servant of God?
- Paul calls himself a “servant” (Philippians 1:1) and not an “apostle.” Why do you think he does this? Does the second use of the word “servant” in Philippians 2:7 help?
- Read Philippians 2:5–11. What was Jesus willing to forfeit for you in humble service? What do you need to surrender to Jesus for the sake of God and others?