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Monday, March 13, 2017


For those who are new to conscious thinking, the idea that your thoughts create your reality might be as whimsical as a leopard running free through the city streets. But, the Law of Attraction is not some New Age, airy-fairy idea, it is a fundamental concept. To those who have had some experience with this law, these words will be refreshing and fulfilling; it’s not new to them, it’s a reminder of what they already know.
"When I look up at the night sky, and I know that, yes, we are part of this Universe, we are in this Universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts is that the Universe is in us. When I reflect on that fact, I look up—many people feel small, ’cause they’re small and the Universe is big, but I feel big, because my atoms came from those stars.”

Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by a reader of TIME magazine, “What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?” This is his answer:

Your thoughts do indeed create your reality. Thoughts are forms of energy that are sent ahead and eventually manifest as physical matter. The thoughts you think determine the outcome of your worldly experiences, from finances to health, relationships to environment. In fact, there is no aspect of your life that is not affected by your thoughts. As Albert Einstein once said, “Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”
Most of us have been taught to be sloppy thinkers. We remain frozen in worry or defeated by fear. We believe that we have become victims of our circumstances. As our thoughts remain negative or mostly unconscious, we end up attracting by default. We are stunned when we develop a horrible disease, become involved in a tragic car accident or suffer financial failure. Without realizing it, the thoughts we have been thinking are all responsible for this.
The ability to focus a thought is the driving force behind The Law of Attraction. Focusing on a single thought purely and clearly for a short duration of time is the starting point.

The emotion behind the words matters more than the words.

The Universe works on vibration. Everything is vibration first and matter second. When you feel an affirming emotion while focusing thought, you are creating dynamic change. Pure thought withpositive emotion is said to be the equivalent of 2000 action hours. The problem that many people run into is that they pretend to be positive on the outside, but are really vibrating negatively on the inside. They might not even be aware of what it is they are doing.
The Law of Attraction is so powerful that it trumps all other laws and forces in the Universe. It never takes time off or breaks and it is always working. It supersedes science, viruses, bacteria, pathogens, parasites, natural disasters, bad luck, heredity, genetics, chance, random, poor diet, too much sugar, astrology, numerology, tea leaves and psychology. Under The Law of Attraction, there are no odds, and statistics are meaningless.

Nothing happens by mistake. The thoughts you think create your reality.

There are two primary forces in the Universe—allowing and resisting. If your manifestation has not yet arrived it is only because you are resisting it. Here is how this works. Imagine driving your car with one foot on the gas pedal and one foot on the brake at the same time. Your car might be moving forward but there will be quite a bit of resistance along the way, not to mention the damage done to the brakes. Most people become frustrated and stop believing in the power of their own thoughts only because they have unconsciously placed great resistance in front of their dreams. Frustration will pull you even more into the negative thinking mode and create more upheaval in the Law of Attraction.
Let’s say that you desire to have a particular apartment you fell in love with at first sight. This is a positive thought manifestation. You are now in a state of creation and allowing. You then begin to worry about how complicated it will be to negotiate the lease. You imagine that you will have a problem with the landlady, or the neighbours may be noisy. Now you are in a state of resistance. Your foot is sharply pressing down on the brakes in your vibrational world. This is why your creation has not yet arrived.
When you are in a state of judgment you are also in a state of resistance. Imagine that you want an easy life where you did not have to work so hard to get by. You keep yourself in a state of resistance when you judge others who already have an easy life where they do not have to work so hard. You cannot belong to a club where you despise the current members. If you want your manifestations to arrive you must already be a vibrational match to them. Festering in a state of judgment is just pushing your desires away.

Who are you really?

Here is an excerpt from a lecture given by Alan Watts, a British philosopher, writer and speaker. He has written over 25 books and numerous articles on subjects such as personal identity, the true nature of reality, higher consciousness, meaning of life.
Image result for Who are you really?

The four levels of consciousness

There are four levels of consciousness:

1. Unconscious unconsciousness

At this stage you are not even aware that you are unconscious. You attract negative things into your life at a rapid pace, as if you have developed a negative ball of energy rolling downhill. Nothing is ever your fault and you are always looking for someone to blame.

2. Conscious unconsciousness

Here you become aware of your negative thinking and the consequences that it might bring. You might see your negative pattern and what it is that you are attracting. You may not like what you are attracting, but you have taken responsibility for it.

3. Conscious consciousness

You deliberately decide to focus pure and positive thought on something and remove all resistance to its arrival. And, sure enough, it arrives. Your creation might be something as simple as visualizing a parking space opening up for you at the mall. You deliberately intended it, allowed it to come to you and acknowledged it when it arrives.

4. Unconscious consciousness

When you get to this point, you do not have to work so hard to create things in your life. You are a believer in how the mind game is played and you spend conscious time each day making your mind important. New creations come to you easily and quickly. You have built a positive ball of energy that continues to roll forward in your favour.
Using your mind to attract your reality is actually very simple.

Make your thoughts important

Most people randomly shrug off their thoughts as not being important. They often get stuck thinking the same old negative thoughts all day long and cannot see the relationship between what they are thinking and what is happening in their life.

Three ways of attracting

1. Direct asking

You are angry that you have a beat up old car and every day you proclaim how much you despise this car and wish someone would just come along and crash into it to get rid of it. Lo and behold, you are involved in a traffic accident and your car is destroyed. You act surprised when this event transpires and you move into blame and anger. You believe wholeheartedly that it must be the other driver’s fault for not paying closer attention.

2. Fear

You might have heard stories of how wild animals are attracted to fear so if you are approached by one do not run or act afraid. The Law of Attraction works the very same way. If you are afraid of catching some dreaded disease you are attracting it to you. If you are afraid of financial failure you are attracting it. Whatever you are afraid of has a good chance of coming closer to you because your thoughts—both positive and negative—are like magnets.

3. Vibrational alignment

Emotional alignment is important when attracting. Imagine leaving the house feeling like a victim. Why does it surprise you when you spill coffee on yourself? This only matches a vibration that you were already experiencing. Like attracts more of the same. A vibration of negativity will bring more negativity your way, whereas a vibrational attitude of positivity will attract positive results.

Mental obesity

Imagine what life would be like if you were physically 300 pounds overweight? What would it be like to travel on an airplane, to walk up and down stairs and even go to the bathroom?
Most people’s minds are 300 pounds overweight, out of shape and their life is filled with struggle and blame. They are in denial that there is a problem (as are many physically obese people) and they do nothing to try to change the situation. If you were physically obese you might start slowly making small changes—dietary adjustments, beginning a walking program, etc.
Mental shaping up is no different. Begin by imagining all the lights turning green when you are driving down the road or the perfect parking space is waiting for you at the grocery store. Small steps add up to big changes.


If there are two words that should be eliminated from the English language they are “victim” and “survivor.” You hear these powerful words over and over again, in the media, through so-called “support” groups and from the people in the street. There are no victims and there are no survivors. There are only conscious choosers or unconscious choosers. When you become an unconscious chooser you often remain in a state of blame. It is always somebody else’s fault that your life isn’t perfect. People will blame the poor economy for their own lack of financial success. Yet, there are many who are thriving in this same “poor economy.” Most of these thrivers will tell you that they are not interested in listening to the scarcity-minded pundits on television, but choose their own path to prosperity. They are consciously choosing their thinking.


Why would someone deliberately choose to develop a horrible disease or have bad things happen to them? The answer is simple. We all have a part of ourselves that is frozen in sabotage. Not everyone wants to feel well or to be wealthy. We invest a great amount of time and thought on sabotage and it manifests. You have heard the expression, “if you go looking for trouble, trouble will find you.”
At one time or another children will “develop” a cold or sickness to avoid a situation, like going to school or visiting a relative. The child’s thoughts are powerful enough to change the physical body so the child can escape a situation that he or she does not know how to handle (e.g. a test, a bully, etc.).
As adults, our thoughts continue to sabotage our lives—from putting on weight to financial hardships. If you are not thriving then your thoughts are actively involved in sabotaging your success. You have invested in sabotage just as the sick child feels a benefit by not having to attend school.
Many people create illnesses to rest, take a break from life, to be taken care of by others, or to avoid an uneasy situation. Instead of learning to find the tools to resolve these conflicts, becoming sick is the easiest way out. One could make the argument that hospitals are filled with people who are choosing illness as a way of escape from a mental conflict that they are unable to resolve. Yes, your mind is that powerful and there are no exceptions.

Children and illnesses

It might be difficult to understand why a child would choose to get sick and die. What we do not realize is that children too are thinking and creating their reality. And they are learning their thought patterns from those of their parents and peers.
A story appeared in a local newspaper of a fourteen-year-old boy who mysteriously and “accidentally” hung himself while playing on a makeshift backyard rope course that he had built. Many people assumed this to be a horrible accident, but they did not know the story behind this.
Two days before his death the teenager was kicked off the freshman football team at school. He was devastated. He felt his life was over. The expulsion from the team caused him so much despair that he didn’t believe he could go on. He felt trapped and helpless and wanted relief from his suffering. His mind created a situation where he would find relief and still save face, as his death would look like an accident.


We are all looking for relief from conflict. If we do not believe that we can resolve the conflict externally, we frequently create a situation that resolves itself internally. This is often seen in sports. When an athlete is not performing well or has an off-the-field conflict, he frequently suffers an injury. While the injury might be real (a pulled hamstring or a stiff back), the mind was busily at work creating the situation. Fans would more likely support a player if he were injured than if he were having marital problems at home. After all, an athlete is expected to leave his personal issues off the field or court.

You do not have to believe in the Law of Attraction for it to be at work.

Just like you do not have to understand or have knowledge of gravity, it is still working. Step off a balcony of a two-storey building and whether you believe in gravity or not, you will come crashing to the ground. Most people create by default, meaning that they are not aware of what their thoughts are and hence take no responsibility when their thoughts manifest.
“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”—Albert Einstein.

If you do not learn how to play the game then the game will play you.

We are talking about the mind game going on inside of you. When you are an unconscious attractor of your reality you often become a victim and are stuck in blame. This is when the game is playing you.
A mind in a state of appreciation is a mind creating positive results. A mind looking for someone or something to blame is a mind creating more sabotage and chaos. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in the Law of Attraction or not; the power of the mind is still at work and the results will be felt.
Wouldn’t it be better to learn to focus your thoughts and realize all the dreams you have dreamed for so long?
excerpted and edited from by Jane Olivier