Are you feeling unsatisfied with
your line of work? Do you feel
that there is a better way to
make a living… that you have
more to offer?
The good news is that there is a
better way, but it is very
different from what you learned
in school… it’s known as
Network Marketing.
“ Network Marketing Isn’t
Perfect… It’s Just Better. ” ~
Erric Worre – The Network
Marketing Pro
Network marketing can be
summed up as a business
opportunity for those with
limited time on their hands.
People that would love to make
a full-time living at a part-time
level. Some of the best-known
companies in America,
including Avon, Mary Kay
Cosmetics and Tupperware ALL
fall under the network
marketing umbrella.
Time-Tested & Proven
Marketing Strategies of
Network Marketing Pros
Discover the 9 Time-Proven
Secrets Used by Top Money
Earners in Network
Marketing Today.
#1 – Network Marketing
Professionals Know Their
Target Market
You MUST understand your
audience best suited for your
small business opportunity. You
must be in touch with their
needs, there inner most desires
for change. You must know
what drives them to want to
better their life.
Knowing the people that would
like to lead a different, more
satisfying life will help you
succeed in network marketing.
#2 – They Have Their “Why”
This is very important. This is
your major driving force, your
reason WHY you decided to
make a move and become a
network marketer. It could be
family, financial freedom or
even time freedom. Make sure
it is strong and you have it
written down in a place that
you can look at it on those days
when speed bumps seem to
appear around every corner.
If your ‘Why’ isn’t big enough
to keep you driven, then I am
sorry to let you know, statistics
state that the chances of you
continuing on are NOT in your
#3 – Network Marketing
Professionals Do NOT Chase
Family and Friends
One of the first things that most
network marketing companies
have you do, when you join
them, is ask you to create a list
of ALL your family and friends
so you can reach out to them
with your home-based business
opportunity. This list of names
is known as your warm market.
The worst thing you could ever
do for your personal life and
friendships would be to make
your future meetings awkward.
It is suggested to leave your
friends and family approach
tucked away, for just a little
while, at least until you
understand proper network
marketing prospecting and
recruiting better (if you have
the support and backing of an
experienced network marketer
there with you, then go for it).
For some eye-opening and
educational teaching, follow the
link for the High-Energy &
Authoritative Network
Marketing Invitation Process –
where the secret formula of the
Network Marketing Pros will be
To make it clear, DO NOT EVER
chase, beg, guilt or even
attempt to convince anyone,
especially your warm market to
join your opportunity. When
you decide the time is right and
your approach is warranted, it
is suggested by the network
marketing pros to see if your
family or friends are open to
your home-based, small
business opportunity.
The network marketing
professional will never chase
their family members or friends
attempting to convince them
that this is the best opportunity
to cross their paths since the
invention of the wheel.
#4 – They Choose ONLY a
Couple of Marketing Strategies
to Master at a Time
Don’t overwhelm yourself with
trying to accomplish too many
marketing projects at one time.
Like any network marketing
business, there is a learning
curve to overcome, so be
patient and hang in there. It is
common-place to get
discouraged, but your success
will be won through tenacity
and perseverance.
See what other successful
network marketing pros are
doing and learn from their
successes. Doing this will cause
you to begin mimicking the way
that the successful marketing
professional acts or thinks.
Ultimately, doing this can lead
to a higher success rate overall.
Tip #1 – If you encounter a
road block along the way,
don’t try to deal with it
yourself, contact your upline
for help.
#5 – The Network Marketing
Pro NEVER Stops Educating
YOU must put in the time to
work on yourself daily. The top
leaders and top income earners
in today’s network marketing
world are also top learners.
These network marketing
professionals are avid readers
with a daily ritual of self
improvement. If you were to
research any of these leaders,
you will discover that they have
a sizable bookshelf of
accomplished reading.
Simply put, if you take a look at
any one who’s made any
significant amount of money in
this network marketing
industry, you will be assured
that they work on their
personal development daily and
have the library to back it up.
Tip #2 – If you want to see
significant growth from your
network marketing efforts,
you must constantly improve
your knowledge. Read
success books, research the
Internet for social media
strategies along with network
marketing tips. Plus, any
other topics to position
yourself to be successful.
#6 – Marketing Pros Include
Social Media in Their Everyday
Business Activities
Are you still skeptical about the
power of social media
marketing to aid in the
increased the exposure of your
business? It has been stated
that social media may soon
drive MORE traffic to your
website than SEO. For more
information, follow the link to
Insider Information… Social
Media May Soon Drive More
Traffic Than SEO !
If your online business does not
have a social media program in
place to help spread the word
about your business, then you
are missing out. The basis of
any good marketing strategy
would be to include social
media in your daily business
activities. There are many
locations to begin the building
of your business relationships…
one good place to start would
be to focus on Facebook groups
within your niche.
#7 – Network Marketing
Professionals Stay Consistent
Consistency in network
marketing is a must. Create a
plan, write it down as a To-Do
List and remain consistent. You
MUST be consistent in your
actions… without actions on a
consistent basis, your business
will fail.
When posting content,
consistency is key. Not only for
better SEO rankings with the
major search engines, but when
your followers see you posting
at a certain time, they come to
expect it. If you want your
followers to remain loyal, you
MUST remain consistent.
Even if you are not seeing the
results that you want in your
network marketing business,
don’t give up. Some days will
be tougher than others… keep
in mind that virtually every
network marketing pro had
thoughts of doubt at one time
or another, but they kept
pushing on, which brings me to
my next tip.
#8 – They Do NOT Ever Quit!
The ONLY way you can ever fail
in network marketing is by
quitting. This might sound
cliche, but it is true. The
successful network marketing
professional’s of today at one
time or another, had thoughts
of quitting but didn’t, and
that’s why they are where they
are now… TOP INCOME
Network marketing does take
time, but be assured the Results
#9 – Network Marketing Pros
Provide Value to Their
Listen CAREFULLY… we as
network marketers are in the
people business “People Don’t
Join a Business – They Join
YOU!” Learn MORE here: How
to Invite Prospects into Your
Network Marketing Business.
I’m sure that there is someone
in your life that you like, trust
and look up to. If this person
were to say to use a particular
product that will help you shed
those last few unwanted
pounds, wouldn’t you give it a
go if you were told it would
accomplish what you desire?
To get to the point… one
important way to build trust
from your readers would be to
provide value-based content
that your audience can benefit
from. Providing this worthwhile
information will create a
spellbinding magnetism causing
your audience to develop a
thirst for more. This action
alone will build trust and in
turn your readers will begin to
like you and look up to you as
an authority in your niche.
Over-Deliver as it is said in the
network marketing world. If
you’ve heard of attraction
marketing, you will know that
one of the rules that attraction
marketing is based on is value,
to over-deliver beyond the
readers expectations.
Closing Comments
About the Marketing
Secrets of the Network
Marketing Pros
The fact that you are reading
this article indicates to me that
you are researching for any and
all means to grow your small
business, and I applaud you. Do
not take any of these secrets of
the marketing pros lightly…
every tip mentioned here is
grounds for greatness.
keep in mind these marketing
tips will not create a windfall of
prospects/leads. Building any
business, including a network
marketing business, takes time
to evolve… it will NOT be an
overnight success.
If you were to read stories of
the top income earners in our
industry, you will discover that
the majority had struggles and
hardships. Most of the network
marketing pros had a record of
monumental failures in their
business before they finally
stumbled across something that
worked for them.
There is good news on the
horizon… Network Marketing
Success IS POSSIBLE! If you
were to take just one of the
suggestions and begin
implementing it tonight, you
will drastically change your
small business
Wanafunzi Kapeta,Kiwira warithishwa ari ya utunzaji mazingira
Shirika la Madini la Taifa (STAMICO), kwa kushirikiana na Shirika la
Utangazaji la Tanzania (TBC), wameendesha zoezi la upandaji miti katika
Shule ya msi...
8 hours ago