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Friday, June 17, 2016


Education Infographics 21Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”–Nelson Mandela
With the world around us ever-changing, education is now more important than ever. Beginning as early as prehistory as a means to teach children the skills and knowledge necessary for everyday life, education has evolved into something so much more than just a process to learn required life skills. It cannot be stressed enough just how important education is to keep people informed about the world around them. Not only does it help us to understand the world that we live in, education helps promote equality by closing the gap between genders and social classes, helps people to become an important and contributing part of society, and is essential to perform jobs effectively and safely.
Unfortunately, within the U.S., there has been a decline in the education system due to problems such as schools closing, overcrowding, and lack of funding. These issues create a ripple effect throughout the education system that causes more students to end up in prison systems and widens the gender gap in colleges throughout the country.
In order to inform the public about the importance of education and the ramifications of the lack there of, many companies have created brilliant infographics detailing the value of a good education system. We’ve put together a list of the 100 best education infographics ranging from information about the benefit of EdTech and STEM programs in schools to the problem with rising student loan debt due to increasing costs. Check them all out to learn more about the history of education and its importance to society now and our future.