Lord, the Proverbs 31 woman is sometimes
overwhelming to me. Show me which of her traits you would like me to
adopt as I journey to become a godly woman.
ReflectWhich traits of the Proverbs 31 woman do I possess? Which do I need to adopt? Which ones scare me?RespondTalk with God about the Proverbs 31 woman, and discern which steps He wants you to take next on your journey to godliness.
Proverbs 31 gives a word picture of the character traits of a godly woman. She is a woman who is close to God. She is a helper for her husband and an example of God’s love and provision to those around her. These are traits she shows on the outside. Do you notice what isn’t there? Complaining, laziness, boredom, vanity, selfishness… these are some characteristics that are missing from the personality of a godly woman. Some of these traits may seem benign to you; some may be causing problems for you. Our next post will explore other character traits you may need to release as you pursue spiritual maturity.